If you are interested in getting involved in Las Cruces dance, we would love to audition you! We are looking for dancers for our Studio company as well as our main company. All experience levels, body types, backgrounds, and genders, ages 13 and up are welcome at our Las Cruces dance auditions.
Video auditions may be submitted at any time! Please put “Virtual Auditions” om the subject line.
Submit videos to admin@thedanceeclectic.com
Virtual Audition Expectations
– A 1 minute video of you dancing to music of your choice.
– A video of the choreography in the following link. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vvUReTlX9vC4VyXMqkZ3uppo5PJUM9lZ
– A questionnaire that will be sent to you upon submission of videos and returned as soon as possible.
What We Are Looking For
The Dance Eclectic Main Company
We are also looking for dancers that have 13 out of 16 (80%) of the following:
-Meet the minimum of 4 years of experience in dance/cheer/gymnastics
-Natural movement/dance ability
-Learn and retain correct choreography relatively quickly
-Take and use/retain feedback from choreographer in a timely manner
-Stamina for a 2 hour rehearsal/performance
-Ability to meet performance expectations
-Ability to step into any choreography
-General professionalism/Arrival on time to rehearsal
-Agree to the time commitment of weekly rehearsals (Thursdays 7-9 pm), 2 performances per year, and 2 community events.
-Ability to do Improvisational Dance
-Know how to do the following (each counts towards 80%)
– leaps, double pirouettes, waltz, 90% leg extension, upright carriage of the torso, pointed toes
-Basic familiarity of ballet, jazz, and modern dance.
The Dance Eclectic Studio Company
We are looking for dancers that fit the following:
-Agree to the time commitment of 1 rehearsal a week (Tuesdays 7:30-8:30), Participation in Fringe Dance Festival (summer show), Participation in Renaissance Faire, and possibly one more performance.
-General professionalism/Arrival on time
-Want to have fun
-Want to practice technique
-Haven’t danced in a while
-Willingness to try improvisational dance
Aside from the ability to consistently show up and participate in rehearsals, we are looking for people who love dance, performance, and/or collaboratively create theatrical productions. Someone who is dedicated to the idea of self-improvement, and who has the courage to put themselves out in front of an audience and perform.
Worried You Don’t Have Enough Dance Experience?
We are a very welcoming group of dancers, all of whom at one point or another had to start with the basics. Dancers with very little experience are welcome to join us in our Studio Company, which can be very useful in accelerating your improvement in dance both technically and from a performance quality standpoint. If you have never danced before, but want to start, we encourage you to audition our Studio company. Danced in the past and are just feeling a little rusty? Come and try out. You might be surprised by how much your mind and body remembers.
We promise performance opportunities for dancers no matter how close to the beginning of their dance journey. Beginners should be aware, however, that they will be placed in either the main company or studio company based on their ability to meet the criteria that has been laid out.
We promise performance opportunities for dancers no matter how close to the beginning of their dance journey, whether it is with The Dance Eclectic or The Dance Eclectic Studio.